With These Amazing Ab Workouts
Getting RIPPED ABS fast is easier than you think because instead of the typical ab routines that we see so often with crunches, situps, leg lifts, etc... there are better options for metabolism-boosting high intensity workouts that work your entire body while also working your abs.
I will illustrate for you some great "ab workouts" to give you super ripped abs that doesn't include any direct "ab exercises" at all. It's in a three-set format (similar to a super-set but alternating between 3 exercises) which results in nice abs after following these ab workouts.
Get these amazing secrets to ripped abs ebook now....
Here goes:
1a. Renegade Dumbbell Rows
2a. Front Squats with Barbell
3a. Mountain Climbers on Floor
A good repetition scheme to employ here could be 3-4 sets of 8 reps for each exercise, or more sets for less repetitions, such as 5 sets of 5 repetitions of each exercise. Mountain climbers can be done for a time interval (such as 30 seconds) instead of "reps".
Exercise Descriptions:
1a. Ripped Abs Renegade Dumbbell Rows:

Ripped Abs Renegade Rows shown above
These are done starting in a push-up position with the hands on 2 dumbbells. You then row one dumbbell up while stabilizing your body with the other arm. Bring the dumbbell back to the ground and alternate the rowing arm while stabilizing with the opposite arm. This stabilizing effect during the rows creates incredible work for your entire midsection core area, thereby working those abs incredibly hard. You'll feel it in the abs and definitely be pleased with the results once you begin seeing those ripped abs!
2a.Ripped Abs Front Squats with Barbell:

Ripped Abs Front squats shown above
For another great exercise to really get those abs ripped and looking nice, here goes. Front squats are done similar to back squats, however with the barbell in front of your body on the front of your shoulders instead of resting on the upper back as in back squats. You stabilize the barbell on your shoulders by crossing your arms and pushing your fists into the bar against your shoulders while keeping your elbows out in front of the body.
This takes a little practice at first, so you will want to seek a professional trainer at your gym to help you with the form, never at the first try, go it alone. Front squats require extreme stabilization strength from the abs due to the barbell weight being shifted to the front of the body instead of the back. Even though this is mostly a leg exercise, you'll feel this one in the abs big time all the time, giving that perfect ripped abs effect overtime.
3a.Ripped Abs Mountain Climbers on Floor:

Ripped Abs Mountain Climbers shown above
Mountain climbers are done by starting in a pushup position and then shuffling your feet in and out so that your knees are moving in under your chest and then back out to starting position. It sort of resembles climbing a mountain but flat on the floor, great fun and hey it may help improve your dancing too. If you want an advanced version, you can also shuffle your hands 8-10 inches forward and backward in addition to the leg movements. This really makes it a full body exercise and MUCH more difficult than standard mountain climbers.This gives a great workout to the abs and you should start seeing that effect almost immediately.
After finishing each exercise, rest about 30 seconds before starting the next exercise. Rest about 1-2 minutes after completing each "tri-set" before repeating as it's unwise to rush into any exercise.
This will give you one of the best ab workouts you've ever had without even doing any direct ab exercises. Try it and you will see and feel the effect immediately!
These are just a sampling of some of the killer ideas and exercises to give nice abs which you'll discover if you grab a copy of this great ebook on getting awesome ripped abs. Not only will you receive a complete blue-print for challenging full-body and ab workouts that will thoroughly define your entire body in addition to your abs but you'll also gain a thorough understanding of what types of nutritional strategies and other lifestyle aspects that it takes to really see visibly ripped abs.